This FREE class for expectant couples and grandparents-to-be, led by Maritday Rodriguez, CLC, discusses the many benefits of breastfeeding for mother and infant. Together we will review the anatomy & physiology of the breast and then discussion topics will develop to include:
- How to know the baby is getting enough
- What to do if it hurts
- Understand what the ‘booby’ traps are that can make breastfeeding harder than it really is
- How to make pumping and back to work a success
- Benefits to mother
- How dad can help
- Latch-on
- Proper positioning for breastfeeding
- Preventing and resolving breast engorgement and soreness
- Common breastfeeding issues
- Breastfeeding a sleepy baby
- Use of breast pumps
- Dieting while breastfeeding
- Use of medication while breastfeeding
Bring your questions!
Session is sponsored by YtheG of IBIOP & PJACC,
Registration is required.
This class requires at least 5 people enrolled or it will be canceled.
Please register using the form below