Who can benefit from breastfeeding support?
- Your baby has a tight, shallow, or painful latch
- You have cracked or bleeding nipples
- You have low milk supply
- You have oversupply
- You have questions about tandem nursing or inducing lactation
- Your baby has a tongue tie or lip tie
- Your baby is not gaining enough weight
- Intake Form
- Newborn Feeding and Diaper Chart
- Breastfeeding in the First Hours
- Attaching Your Baby at the Breast
- From Bump To Breastfeeding: Graphic of a Baby Attaching on the Breast
- Hand Expression Video
- Increasing Your Milk Supply
- Breastfeeding Support Groups
- Infant with Loss of 10% Birth Weight
Useful Links for Breastfeeding Advocates:
- MHLC Membership Form
- Sullivan County Breastfeeding Coalition
- Breastfeeding Initiative of Ulster County
- New York Statewide Breastfeeding Coalition
Useful Links for breastfeeding families:
- Newburgh Breastfeeding Moms Support Group – Check Our Calendar
- Catskill Regional Medical Center New Moms Support Group
- NYS WIC Breastfeeding Partners Website
- NYS WIC Making It Work Toolkit
- La Leche League International Website
- NYS Health Department website (breastfeeding pages)
Breastfeeding/Lactation Plus Postpartum Support / $550
90-minute prenatal meeting
4-hour postnatal visit
3-hour follow-up postnatal visit
2 video chat follow-ups)
The prenatal meeting, postnatal visit, and follow-up visit encompass both lactation, newborn care and postpartum.
Breastfeeding/Lactation Counseling / $300
breastfeeding/lactation counseling visit
3 video chat follow-ups
Postnatal visit to assess/assist with position and latch as well as your answer questions and provide information to achieve your goals.
Breastfeeding/Lactation Counseling Visit / $200
Detailed health history of the mother and baby
Breastfeeding goal discussed
Feeding observation and assessment
Pre/Post feeding weights
Care plan implemented
Postnatal visit to assess/assist with position and latch as well as your answer questions and provide information to achieve your goals.
Phone or Video Session / $50
Phone or video Session to answer your questions and provide information to help you achieve your goals.