Rev. Maritday Rodriguez is an Ulster County native and resident supporting whole family wellbeing in the Mid-Hudson Valley, NYC, NJ & CT In 2010 she birthed Ama’ritday ~ The Sacred Health Doula, became a Certified Full Spectrum Doula, and began living her life’s purpose to support mothers, babies and their families as they navigate the fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum periods of motherhood.

Using nourishment, emotional/spiritual support and self-care practices for healing and supporting gentle integration for the changes that occur before, during, and after birth. In 2019 she furthered her postpartum education and became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC). She lives in New Paltz, NY with her husband and dog, MooMoo.

- Tri-State Breastfeeding Association
- Mid-Hudson Lactation Consortium
- Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice
The Certified Lactation Counselor®, (CLC) certification is the premier National Certification in Lactation Management for the United States. CLC certification holders have demonstrated competence in the lactation skills, knowledge and attitudes that are essential to helping women in the United States and have agreed to comply with the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice code of ethics. The Lactation Counselor Training course is recognized by ANCC as a Nursing Skills Competency Program.
CLC certification means that a person has received training and competency verification in breastfeeding and human lactation support including assessing the latching and feeding process, providing corrective interventions, counseling mothers, understanding and applying knowledge of milk production including in special circumstances and other commonly encountered situations. All of this give CLC’s a strong foundation with which to help moms and babies.
CLCs are members of the health care team who can provide knowledge and counseling about optimal and sub-optimal breastfeeding. CLCs understand that breastfeeding decisions are made by the mother, who may have values and goals different from the counselor. A counseling approach is used to gather information and provide appropriate support to the mother and her family. CLCs work as part of the health care team, assuring appropriate referrals and recommendations.

Center for Breastfeeding – Healthy Children Project