Hypnobabies Childbirth Class Outline

6-Week Hypnobabies Childbirth Class Series includes:

  • Staying healthy and low risk
  • Comfort in pregnancy
  • Detailed birthing choices
  • Creating informed consent
  • In-depth nutrition and exercise program
  • Avoidance of toxic substances
  • Optimal fetal positioning
  • Turning a posterior baby
  • Stages of labor
  • Anatomy and physiology of birth
  • Prenatal parenting
  • Avoiding back labor with the abdominal lift and tuck
  • Baby kick counting
  • Belly mapping
  • Risks, benefits, and alternatives to common labor interventions
  • Birth empowerment skills
  • Birth plans & baby plans
  • Touring the birth facility
  • Doula and midwifery information
  • Avoiding induction and cesarean section
  • Delayed cord clamping and other baby kindness information
  • Using hypnosis for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stage
  • Comprehensive birth preparation and labor support training for birth partners
  • Quick reference booklet for “instantly available Hypnobabies information” during labor
  • Birthing rehearsals using Hypnobabies techniques in class
  • Information on new baby care, breastfeeding/chestfeeding, and postpartum care

Class 1: Introduction to Hypnobabies Childbirth Class

  • Hypnobabies’ philosophies and positive mindset
  • Pregnancy anatomy and physiology
  • Belief systems
  • The power of words and their effects
  • Understanding the conscious and subconscious mind
  • Mind/body connection
  • Hypnosis: What it is and isn’t
  • Demonstrations of hypnosis
  • How fear affects comfort and labor duration
  • Fear clearing for childbirth
  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing – Part 1
  • “Becoming Dad” or “Becoming Parent” – Part 1
  • Daily pregnancy affirmations
  • Understanding your uterus and how it works
  • Creating your “Mental Lightswitch”
  • Partner communication exercise and the “Contract of Trust”

Hypnosis Script: “Learning Self-Hypnosis”

Class 2: Staying Healthy and Safe

  • Importance of health and safety during pregnancy
  • Nutritional guidelines
  • Macronutrients and micronutrients
  • High protein advantage
  • Hydration for two
  • Avoidance of harmful substances
  • Comfortable prenatal sleeping and resting positions
  • Natural comfort measures
  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing – Part 2
  • “Becoming Dad” or “Becoming Parent” – Part 2
  • Stages of labor introduction
  • New baby sensitivity and bonding
  • Using hypnosis for pregnancy discomforts and health
  • Prenatal exercises for easier birth
  • Birth partner assistance

Hypnosis Script: “Creating Anesthesia”

Class 3: Your Options in Birthing

  • Birth partner’s “Relax and Feel Confident” audio track
  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing – Part 3
  • “Becoming Dad” or “Becoming Parent” – Part 3
  • Making excellent birthing decisions
  • Detailed childbirth choices: Risks, benefits, and alternatives
  • Informed consent, hospital forms, and your rights
  • Positive communication with caregivers
  • Creating your dream birth plan
  • “Big” babies
  • Packing your birth bag
  • Touring your place of birth
  • Benefits of a professional labor assistant
  • Introduction of the abdominal lift and tuck birthing techniques
  • Preparation for comfortable pushing

Hypnosis Script: “Hypnotic Childbirth #1 – Birth Hypnosis Tools”

Class 4: The Onset of Labor

  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing – Part 4
  • “Becoming Dad” or “Becoming Parent” – Part 4
  • Guess date and normal length of pregnancy
  • Preparing for birthing day
  • Signs of labor beginning
  • Amniotic membranes breaking – Safe choices
  • True vs. “false” labor
  • Timing birthing waves (contractions)
  • Birth log
  • When to go to the birth place
  • Automatic comfort and relaxation on the drive and arrival
  • Hypno-guardians
  • Using hypnosis for comfort during internal exams
  • Dilation, effacement, position, and station of baby
  • Progress of labor
  • Induction techniques: Artificial and natural
  • Creating a safe and serene birthing environment
  • Nausea elimination
  • Optimal fetal positioning

Hypnosis Script: “Hypnotic Childbirth #2 – Deepening Your Hypno-Anesthesia”

Class 5: Birth Partners, Transformation, and Birth

  • Birth partners training: Role during pregnancy and birthing
  • Assistance from a labor assistant
  • Verbal birthing cues and physical comfort techniques
  • Change of plans hypnosis script
  • Transition stage of labor – “Transformation”
  • Hypnosis deepening techniques
  • Trusting your body, mind, and baby
  • Effective birthing positions
  • Benefits and use of the birth ball
  • Exhale pushing and avoiding the “ring of fire” with hypnosis
  • Safe birthing of the placenta
  • Cord traction, Pitocin, postpartum choices
  • Review: Membranes releasing, Hypnobabies tools, mental lightswitch, fear clearing
  • Avoiding a cesarean section
  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing – Part 5
  • “Becoming Dad” or “Becoming Parent” – Part 5

Hypnosis Techniques Practice: Full practice of Hypnobabies techniques

Class 6: Birthing Your Baby and Beyond

  • In-depth birthing rehearsal using all Hypnobabies techniques
  • Practicing cues and techniques together in hypnosis
  • Culminating with “giving birth” using Hypno-Anesthesia
  • New mother and baby care
  • “Becoming Dad” or “Becoming Parent” – Part 6
  • Support for the new family during the first 2 weeks postpartum
  • Care for the new mother
  • Baby kindness
  • Normal newborn appearance
  • Creating a newborn baby care plan
  • Choices for baby’s care: Hospital and home birth procedures
  • Bathing and hygiene
  • Vaccinations, circumcision, and rooming in
  • Breastfeeding/chestfeeding overview
  • Breastfeeding and jaundice, latching, non-schedules, laid-back breastfeeding
  • Attachment parenting information

Choose a Hypnobabies Class That Works For You


  • Private classes
  • Group classes
  • Independent home study

Extra Bonuses!

  • Home Study Advantage (HSA) Class: Virtual class with a Hypnobabies instructor for review, birth partner training, and birth rehearsal
  • Discounts for Doula Services: $400 off for Sacred Health Doula birth services with proof of Hypnobabies course receipt. Additional $200 off for home or birth center clients with promo code: homebirth
  • Insurance Reimbursement: Some insurance companies cover the cost of Hypnobabies with CPT code S9436 and diagnosis code Z32.2

When to Start Hypnobabies?

The ideal time to start is at 28-30 weeks. There is a structured schedule to follow for maximum effectiveness, with daily affirmations and weekly hypnosis tracks. An accelerated version is available for those starting later.

[Get more clarity about Hypnobabies Benefits here]

[Check out the Hypnobabies Class Schedule here to find a class series]

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